You searched for: “more hedonic
hedonic (adjective), more hedonic, most hedonic
1. Relating to or marked by pleasure: "In wider use, primarily in psychology, hedonic reactions refer to pleasurable or painful sensations or feelings; specifically, hedonic tone, the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness associated with an experience or state; especially when considered as a single quantity that can range from extreme pleasure to excessive pain."

"In zoology, the hedonic gland or the various specialized glands found in many reptiles and amphibia that serve, apparently by secreting an attractive-smelling substance, to attract members of the opposite sex."

2. Pertaining to anyone who maintains that joy and happiness are the proper results of human actions: "The ancient hedonic school of Greek philosophers were called cyrenaics; those who believed that 'pleasure is the highest good'."

In pursuit of money, working ever harder, we are, on a "hedonic treadmill"; a phrase that resonates with most of us. Right across Europe people report more stress, harder work, greater fear of insecurity, chasing elusive gains. The seven key factors now scientifically established to affect happiness most are: mental health, satisfying and secure work, a secure and loving private life, a safe community, freedom and moral values.

—Lord (Richard) Layard, the director of the Center
for Economic Performance in England.

For some people, the only way to maintain permanent satisfaction with one's income is to do the impossible: to continually increase income without limit; or to be on a "hedonic treadmill".

This entry is located in the following units: hedono-, hedon-, -hedonia, -hedonic (page 1) -ic (page 60)